Texas CattleWomen Meeting in March at Ft Worth Convention Center

TCW Spring Meeting Registration Form 2015 |
Alright, ladies...it's time to make plans to meet up in Cowtown! Our Spring Meeting will be held in conjunction with the TSCRA Cattle Raisers Convention, March 27-29, at the Fort Worth Convention Center.
I am excited to announce that we have planned a very special kick-off event Friday evening at Central Market. Part cooking class, part girls' night social, this event will have something for everyone! The Central Market Cooking School chefs are working up a fun demonstration class and tasting menu designed exclusively for CattleWomen. Designed to get us all thinking outside the box, the CMCS chefs will demonstrate the preparation of several beef appetizers perfect for enticing AND exciting consumers. They will also explain the selection of beer and wine pairings for the recipes. Best of all? We get to sample it all! This event is open to everyone, so please help us spread the word.
We'll be up and at 'em early Saturday morning as Texas Beef Council hosts a Fun Run through downtown Cowtown. Are you a TEAM BEEF member? Bring your running gear and get after it! Maybe you've considered hosting a fun run locally to raise money AND awareness? Volunteer to help TBC and see what it takes to put one on.
Following the Fun Run, we encourage everyone to make a point to attend the issues session with Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong in Healthy Diet. Ms. Teicholz was a featured speaker at our recent ANCW meeting in San Antonio and her presentation was outstanding! Her findings will change the way you think and eat.
Following the Cattle Raisers Convention Opening General Session and lunch in the trade show, our TCW General Membership Session will start at 1:00 p.m. We will have speakers on hand to share new ideas and opportunities for engaging our consumers. We will take time recognize one of our members for her contributions and commitment to our organization. Most importantly, together, we will set forth our plan of action for 2015.
The registration fee for the Texas CattleWomen Spring Meeting is $40. Tickets for the Central Market Social on Friday night are $50. A registration form is attached to this email, but we highly encourage everyone to complete the registration process through the 2015 Cattle Raisers Convention and Expo registration portal at https://s4.goeshow.com/tscra/annual/2015/register_now.cfm. It's one-stop shopping...you can register for all TCW and TSCRA events in just a few easy steps.
Conventions and gatherings are a wonderful opportunity to come together, share ideas, and shape the future of our organization. Each and every one of our members contributes something valuable to this process. I look forward to seeing you in Fort Worth!
Staci Schoenfeldt
President, Texas CattleWomen
(432) 386-2053